Interview on Radio New Zealand, 1 May 2013
University of Southern California, Civil Engineering Department Seminar, December 2011
University of Southern California, Civil Engineering Department Seminar, August 2009
Conference Presentations, Posters, Abstracts and Attendance
* Borrero, J.C. and Recio, J. (2010) “Stability Considerations for Submeged Structures Built From Large, Sand-Filled Geotextile Containers” 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Shanghai, China.
* Borrero, J.C. and Recio, J. (2010) “Stability Considerations for Submeged Structures Built From Large, Sand-Filled Geotextile Containers” 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Shanghai, China.
* Borrero, J.C., Mead, S. and Black, K.P. (2010) “Design and Construction of the Boscombe Multipurpose Reef”, Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) Conference on Coastal Structures, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 2009.
* Borrero, J.C., Mead, S., Black, K.P., Bosserelle, C. (2010) “Comparison of Completed Multipurpose Reefs Worldwide”, 7th International Multipurpose Reef Symposium, Jeffrey’s Baai, South Afrika.
* Borrero, J.C., Mead, S. and Black, K.P. (2010) “MPR's for Port Elizabeth, South Africa”, I7th International Multipurpose Reef Symposium, Jeffrey’s Baai, South Afrika.
* Padang City Tsunami Inundation Mapping Workshop, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2008.
* Borrero, J.C., Fritz, H., Kellegeris, N., Broncano, P., and Ortega, E. (2008) Near Source 2007 Peru Tsunami Runup Observations and Modeling, Eos, Trans AGU 89(52) Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract OS43D-1341.
* New Zealand Coastal Society Annual Meeting, New Plymouth, New Zealand, November 2008.
* ASCE Solutions to Coastal Disasters, April 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii.
* Borrero, J.C., Uslu. B., Okal, E.A., Synolakis, C.E. (2007) Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for California from Distant Sources, Eos, Trans AGU 89(52) Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract S51C-07.
* Uslu, B., Borrero, J.C., Barberpoulou, A., Synolakis, C. (2007) Tsunami Hazard Assessment and Inundation Maps for Crescent City, Eos, Trans AGU 89(52) Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract S53A-1013.
* Borrero, J.C., Hidayat, R., Suranto, Bosserelle, C., Okal, E. (2007) Field Survey and Preliminary Modelling of the Near-Field Tsunami from the Bengkulu Earthquake of 12 September 2007, Eos, Trans AGU 89(52) Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract U54A-04.
* New Zealand Coastal Society Annual Meeting, Tauranga, New Zealand November 2007
* 18th Australasian Coasts and Ports Conference, July 2007, Melbourne Australia.
* Borrero, J.C., Fritz, H., Kong, L.S., Synolakis, C.E., Okal, E.A. (2006) Basin-wide runup measurements of the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, Eos, Trans AGU 89(52) Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract U53C-03.
* Borrero, J.C., B. Uslu, C.E. Synolakis, and V.V. Titov (2006) Modeling Far-Field Tsunamis for California Ports and Harbors, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, CA September 2006.
* Fritz, H.M., J.C. Borrero, C.E. Synolakis and E.A. Okal, Comparison between the effects of the Hurricaine Katrina Storrm Surge and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, CA September 2006.
* Synolakis, C.E., J.C. Borrero, H.M. Fritz and E.A. Okal, Effects of the 26 December Tsunami in the Near and Far Field, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, CA September 2006.
* Borrero, J.C. "Surfbrekas and Tsunamis, What a Traveling Surfer Needs to Know", 5th International Surfing Reef Symposium, Lombok, Indonesia, August, 2006.
* Jaffe, B. E., Borrero, J. C., Prasetya, G. S.; Dengler, L., Gelfenbaum, G., Hidayat, R., Higman, B.; Kingsley, E., Lukiyanto, L.; McAdoo, B (2005) "Field Survey of the effects of the 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005 Tsunamis and Earthquakes in Indonesia" American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December, 2005, San Francisco CA
* Fritz, H.M., J.C. Borrero (2006). Somalia field survey of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Proc. Fall Meeting AGU, San Francisco, 5-9 Dec., 2005.
* Japan Tsunami Conference on Sumatra Tsunami, Tokyo, December 2005
* Synolakis, C.E., H.M. Fritz, J.C. Borrero (2005). Far field surveys of the Indian Ocean tsunami: Sri Lanka, Maldives and Somalia. Proc. 22nd IUGG International Tsunami Symposium, Chania, Greece, 27-29 June 2005, Eds. Satake and Okal.
* McAdoo, B., J.C. Borrero, H. Rahman, B. Higman, E. Kingsley, W. Kongko, Lukijanto, R. Peters, G. Prasetya, and V.V. Titov "A Tale of Two Tsunamis: Field Observations from the March/April 2005 ITST - Batus, Nias, Banyaks, Simeulue and Aceh" Proc. 22nd IUGG International Tsunami Symposium, Chania, Greece, 27-29 June, 2005, Eds. Satake and Okal.
* 4th International Surfing Reef Symposium, Manhattan Beach, CA, January 2005.
* C.E.Synolakis, E.A. Okal and J.C. Borrero (2004) "Quantifying the tsunami risk at the Pisco Peru LNG Terminal project" American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 13 - 17, 2004, San Francisco CA
* L.A. Dengler, J.C. Borrero and J. Patton (2004) "Tsunami Hazards in San Francisco Bay" American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 13 - 17, 2004, San Francisco CA
* J.C. Borrero, F. Gonzalez, V.V. Titov, J.C. Newman, A.J. Venturato and G. Legg (2004) "Application of FACTS as a tool for modeling, archiving and sharing tsunami simulation results" American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 13 - 17, 2004, San Francisco CA
* J.C. Borrero and C.E. Synolakis (2004) Advances in Tsunami Inundation Mapping in California, Caribbean Tsunami Hazards, Proceedings of the NSF Caribbean Tsunami Hazard Workshop,March 30 - 31, 2004, San Juan Puerto Rico.
* Borrero, J.C., Synolakis C.E., and Eisner, R.K., "Tsunami Inundation Mapping for the State of California", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA December 8 - 12, 2003.
* C.E. Synolakis, M. Eskijian, J.C. Borrero and R. McCarthy (2003) "Construction of Coastal Structures", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA December 8 - 12, 2003.
* M.R. Legg, J.C. Borrero and C.E. Syntolakis (2003) "Tsunami Hazards from Strike-Slip Earthquakes", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA December 8 - 12, 2003.
* 3rd International Surfing Reef Symposium, Raglan, New Zealand, July 2003.
* C.E. Synolakis, F. Raichlen, J.C. Borrero and B. Uslu (2003) "Waves and runup generated by a 3-dimensional sliding mass", International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy 2003, June 30 - July 11, 2003, Sapporo Japan.
* "Field Survey and Preliminary Modeling of the 9 September 2002 Tsunami near Wewak, Papua New Guinea", Borrero, J.C., Synolakis, C.E., Uslu, B., and Okal, E.A. IUGG 2003, June 30 - July 11, 2003, Sapporo Japan.
* F. Raichlen, C.E. Synolakis, and J.C. Borrero, "Solid Landslide 3D Experiments", Workshop on Model Validation and Benchmarking for Tsunami Generation by Submarine Mass Failure, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 30 - 31, 2003.
* "A comparison of Near-shore Tsunami Sources Offshore of Los Angeles and Orange Counties in Southern California", Borrero, J.C., Legg, M.R., and Synolakis, C.E., Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Juan Puerto Rico, April 29 - May 4, 2003.
* "Detailed Modeling of of the 9 September 2002 Tsunami near Wewak, Papua New Guinea and Comparison to the 1998 Aitape Tsunami", Borrero, J.C., Synolakis, C.E., Uslu, B., and Okal, E.A., Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Juan Puerto Rico, April 29 - May 4, 2003.
* "Tsunami Generation From the Santa Catalina Island Restraining Bend Offshore of Los Angeles, California", Legg, M.R., Borrero, J.C., Synolakis, C.E., American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA December 6 - 10, 2002.
* "Tsunami Generation From the Santa Catalina Island Restraining Bend Offshore of Los Angeles, California", Legg, M.R., Borrero, J.C., Synolakis, C.E., American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA December 6 - 10, 2002.
* "Preliminary Modeling of Tsunami Waves Generated by the Earthquake of 9 September 2002 Offshore of Northern Papua New Guinea", J.C., Borrero, Uslu, B., Okal, E.A., Synolakis, C. E. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA December 6 - 10, 2002.
* "Preliminary results of field survey, 2002 PNG earthquake at Wewak", Davies, H.L., Borrero, J.C., Saiang, C. Bu, J., Uslu, B., Freckman, J.T., American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA December 6 - 10, 2002.
* "Modeling Landslides in the Laboratory" F. Raichlen, J.C. Borrero, B. Uslu, and C.E. Synolakis, Ninth International Symposium on Natural and Human-Made Hazards, Antalya, Turkey, October 3-6, 2002.
* AGU West Pacific Meeting, Wellington, New Zealand.
* "One Year of Pratte's Reef, America's First Artificial Surfing Reef", J.C. Borrero, S.I. Innes, and D.W. Skelly, Restoring the Beach, Science, Policy and Funding, California Shore and Beach Preservation Association (CSBPA) 2001 annual conference, San Diego, CA, November 2001.
* "Tsunami Potential of Major Restraining Bends along Submarine Strike-Slip Faults", M. Legg, Borrero, J.C., Poster, International Tsunami Symposium, August 8-9, 2001, Seattle, WA.
* "Changing field data gives better model results. An example from Papua New Guinea", Borrero, J.C., Presentation, International Tsunami Symposium, August 8-9, 2001, Seattle, WA.
* Probability Distributions of Landslide Tsunamis, P. Watts, J.C. Borrero, Poster,International Tsunami Symposium, August 8-9, 2001, Seattle, WA.
* "Tsunami Inundation Maps for Santa Barbara and Santa Monica Bay", J.C. Borrero, C.E. Synolakis, A.C. Yalciner, D. McCarthy, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, 2000.
* "Modeling the 1994 Skagway, Alaska Tsunami", C.E. Synolakis, J.C. Borrero, A.C. Yalciner, G. Plafker, H.G. Greene, P. Watts, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, 2000.
* "Construction of and Monitoring the Impact of Pratte's Reef, America's First Artificial Surfing Reef", S.I. Innes, Borrero, J.C., Skelly, D.W. Fall AGU Meeting, poster, San Francisco, 2000.
* "1946 Aleutian tsunami field survey in the Marquesas Islands", Okal, E.A., Fryer, G.J., Synolakis, C.E., Rousseau, D., Borrero, J.C., Ruscher, C., Heinrich, P., Guille, G., Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, 2000.
* "Recent observations of Tsunamis Generated or Enhanced by Large Ground Failures", Conference on the Probability and Prediction of Underwater Landslides offshore Southern California, March 10, 2000, Los Angeles, CA.
* Locally Generated Tsunami Offshore Southern California and the Inundation Mapping Project, J.C. Borrero, J. Dolan, C.E. Synolakis, Fall AGU meeting, poster, San Francisco, 1999.
* Probabilistic Predictions of Tsunami Generation by Mass Failure Off of Southern California, P. Watts, J. C. Borrero, C. E. Synolakis, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, 1999.
* Field Survey of the 1999 Izmit Tsunami and Modeling Effort of a New Tsunami Generation Mechanism, A.C. Yalciner, J.C. Borrero, U. Kanoglu, P. Watts, C.E. Synolakis, and F. Imamura Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, 1999.
* Submarine Slump Generation of the 1998 Papua New Guinea Tsunami, D.R. Tappin, P. Watts, J.C. Borrero, E.A. Okal, J.P. Bardet, S.T. Grilli, T. Matsumoto, C.E. Synolakis, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, 1999.
* Novel Simulation Technique Employed on PNG Event P. Watts, J.C. Borrero, D.R.. Tappin, J.P. Bardet, S.T. Grilli, C.E. Synolakis, 22nd General Assembly IUGG, Birmingham, England, 1999.
* Modeling Locally Generated Tsunami in Southern California, J.C. Borrero, J. Dolan, C.E. Synolakis, Okushiri Tsunami/UJNR Workshop 1998, Sapporo, Japan, July 9-14, 1998.
* How Small-Scale Bathymetry Affected Coastal Inundation in the 1992 Nicaraguan Tsunami, J.C. Borrero, J. Bourgeois, G Harkins, C E Synolakis, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, 1997.
Invited Talks and Presentations (a partial list..)
* "What's the Beef Agaainst a Reef" February 28, 2009 SASIC8 - The 8th Annual Groundswell Society Meeting, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, February 28, 2009.
* "The Tsunami of September 7, 2007 Bengkulu Province, Sumatra" University of Waikato, Departmental Seminar " May 2008.
* "Tsunami Modelling Methods" Nanyang Technical University, Singapore, September 2007.
* "Tsunamis", Shell Seminar Speaker, National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Convention, Anaheim, California, April 2006.
* "Alternative Forms of Coastal Protection for Exposed Coasts", Shell Seminar Speaker, National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Convention, Anaheim, California, April 2006.
* "Tsunami Hazards for Southern California Port Areas", California State Lands Commision- Prevention First Workshop, Long Beach, CA. September 10, 2002.
* "Tsunami Hazard Planning for Southern California: Lessons Learned from Tsunamis Around the World", given to: Seismology Lab, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, April 20, 2001.
* "Recent Tsunamis Around the World and Hazard Planning for Southern California", given to: Los Angles County Sheriff's Department, Lomita, CA, March 22, 2001.
* "Tsunami Inundation Modeling for Southern California", given to: California Shore and Beach Preservation Association, Costa Mesa, CA, June 28, 2000.
* "Generation of Inundation maps for Tsunami Hazard Planning", given to: Association of Bay Area Governments, Tsunami Hazard Planning Meeting #3, April 21, Anaheim, CA.
* "Generation of Inundation maps for Tsunami Hazard Planning", given to: Association of Bay Area Governments, Tsunami Hazard Planning Meeting #2, April 4, 2000 Santa Barbara, CA.
* "Tsunami Field Survey of Fatu Hiva, Marquesas Islands"
Seminar, USC Department of Civil Engineering, November 1999.
* "The Tsunami Hazard for Southern California" given to: California State Lands Commission, Customer Service Meeting, Long Beach, CA, May 27, 1999.